Pencil crosshatching on paper. Illustration from Chapter One of The Boy Who Loved a Dragon.
Author Archives: Ian
A Dragon’s Back
Pencil on heavyweight paper.
State of APE 2013
As you may have read from Aithan’s blog, Aithan recently took an injury to the midfoot which requires keeping the foot elevated and has impacted Aithan’s ability to work. In the interest of meeting our deadlines for APE 2013, I have decided to pare down offerings from my personal projects. However, I will still be drawing and offering Riiit commissions at our booth throughout the duration of the event, with the following image as an example:
Moving In
Pencil sketch on paper
Out of the Bag
Pencil sketch on paper
Vara the Great Lizard
Lineart in pencil on heavyweight sketchpad paper, colored digitally in Photoshop
[Announcement] Alternative Press Expo 2013!
We’re going to APE 2013 in San Francisco! Come drop by and meet us there on October 12-13!
An Unusual Visitor
Pencil and non-photo blue drafting pencil on heavyweight paper; pencil on tracing paper overlay
A Mighty Roar (From a Mighty Dragon)
Pencil and non-photo blue drafting pencil on heavyweight paper, finepoint pen on tracing paper overlay.
Meet the Riiit
Drawn with pencil on heavyweight paper, colored in Photoshop